
Call: Unsolicited Proposal Program: apexart

Unsolicited Proposal Program Submissions open: October 1–31, 2015 apexart 291 Church Street New York, NY 10013 www.apexart.org 18 years ago, apexart developed the Unsolicited Proposal Program, a democratic method of selecting exhibitions based on the strength of the idea alone. No CVs, references, or biographical materials are accepted; just 500 words on your brilliant idea for an exhibition in New York. Here's how it works: From October 1–31, 2015, apexart accepts proposals for exhibition ideas. Applications consist of a short written text explaining what the exhibition would be about and why it is of interest. apexart assembles a jury of 150 people from all different backgrounds, all around the world, who vote on proposals online. We do this to make sure that our shows have a broad audience and appeal across cultural borders. The only information jurors can see is the application text; they do not know who submitted the idea or what their background or level of experience is. Each proposal is voted on the same number of times by different jurors over the course of a month. apexart developed a custom-made computer script that aggregates all the votes and determines which three proposals have the highest scores. These proposals will be presented as part of apexart's exhibition season in 2016–17. Winners receive a budget, curatorial honorarium, and administrative support to mount their exhibitions in our space in Manhattan. You need: a great idea for an exhibition that includes the work of at least 3 artists. You don't need: previous curatorial experience, connections at apexart or other organizations, bribes, or a home address in New York City. More information about guidelines and how to apply here.

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