
Workshop: Paper Folds

The “Paper Folds” pop-up workshop aims to teach the art and technique of pop-up books and cards. It consists of 3 sessions, 3 hours each: The first is focused on the one-piece pop-up technique, the second one on multi-piece pop-ups, and over the course of the third, each student will develop a personal project based on the techniques learnt during the workshop. All sessions are independent. So, if you can’t do all three sessions, it is possibly to just drop in for one. Of course, you miss out on the whole pop-up experience then. If you want to join, please send an e-mail to info@kotti-shop.net POP-UP-WORKSHOPS: September 4th : 17h-20h September 5th : 15-18h September 6th : 15-18h @ Kotti-Shop | Adalbertstr. 4 | 10999 Berlin Donation: 5-10 Euros Max. participants: 10-12 Language: English

10999 Berlin, Adalbertstraße 4
Email: info@kotti-shop.net
Öffnungszeiten: Sa, So 10-16 h

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