
Performance Art

Open Call for Participation: PAS # 40 | 'Human Factor' 12. - 19. July 2015, Poznan, Poland in cooperation with Galeria Raczej (Agnieszka Szablikowska and Łukasz Trusewicz) with BBB Johannes Deimling and guest teacher Łukasz Trusewicz "Performance Art seen as an art form celebrating diversity as a quality needs the ‘Human factor’, the individual to intersect with others. This process is highly social and desires the exchange with other ‘human factors’ in order to complete the performance in its holistic idea. In this way it is a trigger to open a dialogue with the present audience and needs to be detached from the self-centric artistic position in order to be able to create a shared space in which communication can take place and art can be shared." click here for more information Applications are being accepted until 1. July 2015, if you are interested send your application (CV and workexamples) to pas@bbbjohannesdeimling.de.

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