
Montag Modus Open Call for performers

Montag Modus is a series of monthly performances that provides a venue for artists to present themselves using the particular spaces of the .CHB - Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. Montag Modus facilitates the fusion of different artistic genres and aims to create a platform for exchange and collaboration, initiating potential cooperation between Berlin-based artists with one another as well as with Hungarian performers. Each month three productions are selected from both Berlin-based and Hungarian artists. Montag Modus performance series is part of the .CHBs project ‘The Berlin Dream’, an investigation of the so-called ‘Berlin Dream‘ through different aspects of performance: How is creativity economized in Berlin? Which Berlin-specific interrelations can be observed between artistic and economic production? How can the critical potential of art be expressed through performance? Application requirements: - Description of the performance concept - Video documentation - Performance length: minimum 20 minutes - Anyone can apply with a new or previously performed piece. The sole condition being that the performance focuses on the theme of the project 'The Berlin Dream'. Applications to: montag.modus@gmail.com Applications can be sent until July 31st 2015. Shows: Sept 7 2015, 8pm, Situation room @ .CHB We offer: - An opportunity for artists to present their work to a wider audience in a unique architectural setting - 100€ per performance, including all production costs - A trailer will be made from the three performances - The .CHB will cover possible technical requirements (on the basis of prior coordination), communication and organization of the performance info contact: Lena Szirmay-Kalos lena.szirmay.kalos@gmail.com Kata Krasznahorkai (project manager, .CHB) krasznahorkai@hungaricum.de

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