
Postgraduate programme in Curating 2015

Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) Call for applications: Postgraduate programme in Curating 2015 Application deadline: 30 June 2015 Info event: June 13, 6pm Postgraduate programme in Curating ZHdK, DKV ICS / Zentrum Weiterbildung Toni-Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96 Postfach, CH-8031 Zürich 8005 Zurich Switzerland www.curating.org The Postgraduate programme in Curating is conceived of as a discursive platform, which imparts key areas of contemporary exhibition making by way of praxis-oriented project work. With instruction modules, group activities, seminars, and lectures held by an international selection of guests, various fields of knowledge are researched and projects are developed and carried to realization. The programme focuses less on the "genius concept" of the exhibition planner as individual author—a highly controversial topic since the 1990s—than on cooperative, interdisciplinary working methods, as employed, for example, in film productions or non-governmental organizations. ZHdK and Zurich Zurich University of the Arts is amongst the largest art schools in Europe. While firmly anchored in greater Zurich, our influence extends well beyond Switzerland to the wider international stage. Zurich as the cultural centre for art in Switzerland provides a unique and vibrant cultural scene at the heart of Europe. We furthermore collaborate with many international venues and closely with the Journal OnCurating. Cooperations We have cooperated on different levels with the following institutions: Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich; Kunsthalle Zurich; Kunsthaus Zurich; Corner College, Zurich, Herrmann Germann Contemporary, Zurich; Hauser and Wirth, Zurich; Fridericianum, Kassel; Stipendienstätte Worpswede; Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich; Centre for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana; ICA London; Künstlerhaus Stuttgart; Künstlerhaus Bremen; Zentrum für Kunst and Urbanistik, Berlin; Pro QM Berlin; Kunstmuseum Thun; ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe; Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe; Hochschule Luzern für Kunst und Design; University of Reading, UK; The Postgraduate Programme in Curating offers three study opportunities: CAS skills areas The postgraduate certificate (CAS) is a one-year, part-time course providing participants with key qualifications in all areas of curatorial practice: research, conception, organization and communication, as well as basic theoretical knowledge. MAS skills areas The Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) is a two-year, part-time study programme culminating in an advanced qualification. It guides participants through an in-depth enquiry into the key areas of curatorial practice and relevant theory. Students have the opportunity to develop and situate their own curatorial projects and access cultural networks. The programme concludes with a major project and written dissertation. PhD project outline The MAS degree in curating can be attained through the development of a dissertation project rather than a curatorial project. We accompany the development of a dissertation project as far as the exposé (subject and relevance, hypothesis, state of research, methods, outline). Supervision of PhD projects will be provided by Dr. Dorothee Richter, head of the MAS Curating, in conjunction with the University of Reading. Target group The program is designed for persons working in art, culture, and the media, graduates of art academies and universities of applied sciences in the disciplines of art, architecture, interior architecture, photography, interior decoration, installation, design, theatre, scenography, and music, as well as university graduates in the fields of art history, cultural studies, or literary studies. The program is also suitable for candidates who have acquired certain curatorial skills through practical experience. Admissions requirements a) University degree (Bachelor, Diploma or Master) from a university of applied sciences, general university, Federal Institute of Technology, or a professional school b) or a comparable degree and corresponding professional experience c) and determination of aptitude by the programme director We strongly advise applying as soon as possible. Contact Dr. Dorothee Richter (head of programme): dorothee.richter@zhdk.ch Esther Notz (administration further education): esther.notz@zhdk.ch

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