
Open call to project spaces - PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN 2015

The PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN is pleased to announce an open call to project spaces based in Berlin to join its 2015 program. About the Festival: In August 2014 the PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN was realized together with 30 diverse project spaces for the first time. Following a great success, we are now very happy to announce that the festival’s 2nd year, running once again in August. The PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN takes creatives and visitors on a month-long trip through Berlin’s independent art scene to discover some of its many and varied project spaces. Rather than institutional or commercial white cube spaces, project spaces are usually independent, highly experimental, and work creatively with limited funds. They spark dialogue, nurture local communities, serve as seismographs of cultural trends, and operate under conditions of simultaneous freedom and fragility. More than often, they are a labor of love for those who run them. If you feel this is you, then please apply! For further information: www.projectspacefestival-berlin.com About participation: The Festival aims to present a diverse program of interesting and inspiring spaces, providing a momentary slice of the city’s independent scene. During the Festival, each participating space will host and organise one admission-free event, with one occurring on each day of August, totalling 30 days (plus a final party!). The event can last a maximum of 24 hours on a date allotted by the Festival in August. The PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN encourages a very free and open format including outdoor performances, musical or culinary get-togethers, or any other unexpected gatherings conveying the light spirit of a typical August in Berlin. The project spaces included in the Festival will be selected this year in early March by a jury: Ulf Aminde (artist), Kathrin Becker (n.b.k.), Marie Graftieaux (Project Space Festival), Marie-José Ourtilane (General Public), Matthias Reichelt (journalist). Please note that if selected, spaces are asked to pay a participation fee of 50 EUR. The PROJECT SPACE FESTIVAL BERLIN is run as a non-profit project and the participation fee directly contributes to the organisation and delivery of the festival for the benefit of all participants. Criteria: – identify as an independent art space – have an ongoing program – have unique and / or engaging perspective – be available in August 2015 to host an event – have a location to host an event (it does not need to be your space specifically!) Submission should include: – short description of space / mission statement (500 words) – founding year – 5 to 10 installation views of past projects – contact person incl. email, address, and website Please send the information in English or in German in one PDF-document (no more than 5 MB) per email to info@projectspacefestival-berlin.com. View Open Call on the website: www.projectspacefestival-berlin.com/opencall DEADLINE: February 6, 2015

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