
Project Anywhere: 2014 international exhibition program & 2015 call for proposals

Project Anywhere 2014 International exhibition program 2015 call for proposals Deadline for proposals: September 1, 2014 www.projectanywhere.net Project Anywhere is an expanded exhibition model encompassing the entire globe in which the role of curator is replaced with a peer-review system comparable with a refereed journal. Emphasizing research outside conventional exhibition circuits, Project Anywhere is specifically dedicated to promoting art at the outermost limits of location specificity. Following an exhaustive international peer validation and editorial process, we are delighted to promote our 2014 international exhibition program: Department Of Biological Flow, Channel Surf Anna Romanenko, Björn Kühn & Gabriel Hensche, Liminal Dome Erin Bosenberg, Listening For Narrative: Bringing Intimacies Into The Public Presentation Of The Artist John Ryan & Tom Watts, A Popular Destination Ronit Eisenbach, Sharon Mansur & Aleksandra Vrebalov, In Situ: Exploring Sites-In-Transition Project Anywhere endorses a peer review system comparable with the journal-based paradigm for assessing the quality of research outcomes in the arts. Accordingly, Project Anywhere is designed to serve artist academics working anywhere in the world that are seeking independent peer-validation and international dissemination for their research. Project Anywhere endorses a rigorous two-stage peer review process. First, an independent blind peer review of proposal submissions by multiple artist academics of international standing is employed in order to rate and select hosted projects. Finally, a second open peer review determines which project outcomes are finally archived as "validated research outcomes." Project Anywhere accepts proposals for individual and collaborative projects from artists working anywhere in the world. With only five projects hosted each year, selection is extremely competitive. Project Anywhere does not provide project funding nor expect exclusivity. We also welcome multi-partnered and collaborative projects and/or projects that are hosted by other arts institutions that are seeking peer-validation. Please send proposals (as an attachment) to projectanywhere@gmail.com. Your proposal should include the following: – Title of proposed project – Location(s), date(s) and duration for proposed project (this can be updated later) – A detailed project proposal clearly stating the project's potential for creating new knowledge (please refer to the peer review guidelines) – Images, files (under 8mg in total) and links can be included where appropriate To be eligible for peer review process, it is imperative that all name and contact details are removed from the proposal document (and accompanying materials). Contact details should only be included in the body of the email. Any submissions that do not conform to the above criteria will not be sent out for peer review. The deadline for proposal submissions for our 2015 program is September 1, 2014. For more information, go to www.projectanywhere.net.

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