
The Gund Gallery at Kenyon College Critical Writing workshop: now accepting applications

The Gund Gallery Call for applications: Critical Writing workshop June 15–21, 2014 Application deadline: rolling, space is limited The Gund Gallery Kenyon College 101 ½ College Drive Gambier, Ohio 43022 T +1 740 427 5969 evansm@kenyon.edu www.thegundgallery.org/writeart For one intense week this summer (June 15–21) a community of writers will assemble at the Gund Gallery, a 31,000-square-foot space founded at Kenyon College in 2011 and dedicated to expanding ways of seeing and learning. Participants join instructors Peter Plagens and Terry Barrett to look carefully and write brilliantly, defining through their practice what it means to write about art now. The Gund Gallery Critical Writing workshop runs concurrently with the Writers Workshop of The Kenyon Review, one of the world’s most esteemed literary magazines. For a week, an Edenic campus turns into a village of typing and scribbling as participants pour their energy into a variety of genres, constantly testing their own limits. This international transdisciplinary atmosphere makes the workshop a challenging opportunity, for both the novice and the expert alike. Keeping workshops small means students get lots of attention from instructors and peers, in daily meetings, casual one-on-one discussions and public readings. A professional painter and critic for The Wall Street Journal, Peter Plagens has also served as a senior writer and art critic at Newsweek as well as Artforum. A Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University, Terry Barrett is also professor of art education and art history at the University of North Texas, and author of titles including Criticizing Art and Why Is That Art?. Many consider Kenyon’s hilltop campus one of the most beautiful anywhere. Ancient trees and shaded lawns, quiet pathways and striking architecture all assemble into a tranquil setting to muse and mingle, perfect for forging meaningful connections and getting the writing done. The total cost of the workshop, including tuition, room and board comes to 2,000 USD (tuition only: 1,500 USD). All participants must be 18 years or older by June 1. Limited partial scholarships, as well as a reduced fee for those who wish to forego housing or dining services, are available. For more information and to apply, please feel encouraged to visit our website at www.thegundgallery.org/writeart or write to evansm@kenyon.edu.

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