
Katalogpräsentation: Eva Grubinger

Eva Grubinger in conversation with Carson Chan about her new catalogue "Decoy". Eva Grubinger Decoy Texts by Carson Chan and Martin Hochleitner Over the past few years, Eva Grubinger's work has investigated the definition of public, institutional, and museum spaces through installations and objects. In these works, ruptures or breaks in the assumed function of space or site-specific installations, as well as those involving the allocation of content to employed forms, play a significant role. Decoy documents the eponymous exhibition at Landesgalerie Linz in 2011 in which Grubinger presented large-scale sculptural works, all of which referenced the fishing-lures, mooring rings, a dock-and both subtly and explicitly engaged a vocabulary of the alluring. The catalogue includes an introduction by Martin Hochleitner and an essay by Carson Chan. Design by Manuel Raeder Sternberg Press March 2012, English 25.2 x 32 cm, 60 pages, 40 color ill., softcover ISBN 978-3-943365-05-4 www.sternberg-press.com
28 - 28.05.2012

kerstin engholm galerie
1040 Wien, Schleifmühlgasse 3
Tel: +43 1 585 73 37, Fax: +43 1 585 73 38
Email: office@kerstinengholm.com
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