
Open Call: Mediterranea 19 Young Artists Biennale

Die Sektion II - Kunst und Kultur, Abt. II/6 kooperiert schon länger mit der BJCEM – Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, auch 2020 konnte ein Platz für drei österreichische Künstlerinnen und Künstler gesichert werden.
Die von der Jury ausgewählten Kunstschaffenden erhalten seitens des BKA ein Arbeitsstipendium für die Teilnahme an der Biennale.

Die Ausschreibung:
BJCEM, the State Secretariat for Education and Culture of the Republic of San Marino, the Cultural Institutes of the Republic of San Marino and the University of the Republic of San Marino, announce the launch of MEDITERRANEA 19 Young Artists Biennale, a transnational Biennale, which will take place in the Republic of San Marino from October 2020 to February 2021 under the title School of Waters.
MEDITERRANEA 19 – School of Waters is dedicated to artists, writers and researchers under 35 (born from January 1st 1984) coming from or based within a constellation of territories related to the Mediterranean Sea. In this geopolitical frame, MEDITERRANEA 19 – School of Waters aims to reflect on exchanges and hybridizations as well as on crossed diasporas in the Mediterranean globalized space.
Founded in 1985 as a nomadic platform, the Biennale, is organized by BJCEM – Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée. Throughout its history, it crossed the Mediterranean from Barcelona to Marseille, to Sarajevo, Rome, Athens and Tirana. In this perspective it has supported thousands of artists from more than 30 different countries over the course of his eighteen editions and thirty years, a mission confirmed and intensified with this edition. Each edition of the Biennale is therefore revealed with an opportunity for deepening, meeting, mobility, exchange and knowledge.
BJCEM is an international association with more than 50 affiliated members and partners in Europe, Asia and Africa, which join forces to make the Biennale possible and ensure the participation of emerging practitioners coming from or based in the Mediterranean territories in which they operate. The aim of this network is also to create pre-biennale opportunities for young cultural professionals to foster their mobility in the Mediterranean, through the participation to crossed exchanges, collaborative projects, training and research programs.

Bewerbungsschlss ist der 26. Jänner 2020 20:00 Uhr (MEZ)

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